Mexico | Energy and Resources | August 27th, 2014 Versión en Español


Monday, September 22nd, 2014
Time: 08:00 to 19:00 hrs.
Club de Industriales, Mexico City



After a complex legislative process, this past August 11th the President of Mexico promulgated the statutory provisions regulating the Energy Reform.

This is a major breakthrough in Mexico’s economic life and lays the ground for the incursion of private investment, both domestic and foreign, in the production, processing and commercialization of oil and gas, and in the generation and distribution of electricity.

Deloitte y González Calvillo, S.C. will analyze the impact of this Energy Reform on the industry participants. Our specialists and guest experts will discuss relevant topics for deal makers, including challenges and opportunities in the energy sector, the new legal and fiscal regime for PEMEX and CFE as State productive entities, project finance, and mergers and acquisitions in oil, gas and electricity projects, among others.


More information

September 22nd, 2014

08:00 to 19:00 hrs.

Club de Industriales, Mexico City

By personal invitation only. You will receive the full program shortly. | Add Deloitte as a safe sender

Deloitte Mexico
Paseo de la Reforma 489, 6th floor
06500, Mexico City

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